Last week J. Cole announced a 5-part mini documentary series scheduled ahead of his HBO Special and premiered its first episode, this week brings us the second episode of...
Since the release of his solo-debut, My Name Is My Name, in 2013 we didnt hear too much from Pusha T. We expected the follow-up project, King Push,...
A few weeks ago J. Cole and HBO announced a partnership in the form of a special concert film called J. Cole Forest Hills Drive: Homecoming scheduled to be aired on...
Yesterday served as the date many music consumers all around the globe anticipate for the last quarter of the calendar year, announcements of Grammy Nominations. Now of course...
A few days ago HBO announced a special concert film with J. Cole entitled J. Cole Forest Hills Drive: Homecoming (similar to the Jay & Bey On The...
It has been a long 11 years since Calvin and Eddie has invited the whole world into Calvin's Barbershop in Southside Chicago. However, in April 2016 that wait...
The video streaming service landscape just got a little more crowded. Rapper Jay Z's music streaming service, Tidal, has announced that is offering original programming —...
With a new baby on the way and his mindset fully in fashion, Kanye West music has gone by the wayside, for now. While he might...
How do you know summer is slowly coming to an end? Perhaps the crazy weather the Pacific Northwest encountered just a few weeks ago? Or maybe...
With over 10,000 buyers and 250 + exhibitors Agenda provides a great stand point for fashion market week in Las Vegas. The team has been...